Genealogy Index for surnames beginning with S

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S, Ann (1841-)
S.Lamb, Thomas (1886-)
Sadler, Mary Ann (-)
Sally, (-)
Salmon, (-)
Salmon, Andrew (-)
Salmon, Daisy (22 SEP 1923-)
Sanderson, Elizabeth (-12 MAR 1683)
Sandy, Adrian (-)
SAOULI, Mohammed (8 JUL 1950-)
SAOULI, Sharazed (22 OCT 1986-)
Sarah, (1841-)
Sarah, (1777-)
Sarah, (1804-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1824-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1801-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1853-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1811-)
Sarah, (1718-)
Sarah, (1857-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1785-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1801-)
Sarah, (1823-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1820-22 FEB 1853)
Sarah, (1807-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1824-)
Sarah, (1856-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1810-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1804-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (-)
Sarah, (1847-)
Sarjeant, Alec (27 MAY 1966-)
Saunders, Ann (-)
Saunders, Hilda Godber (-)
Saunders, James (-)
Saunders, Robert Herbert (1873-)
Saunders, Stephanie (4 NOV 1971-)
Saunders, William Huntley (-)
Saxton, George (1876-)
Saxton, George (1845-)
Saxton, Joseph (1873-)
Saxton, Nathaniel (1879-)
Saxton, Thomas (-)
Saxton, Thomas (1871-)
Scaples, Joseph (-)
Scotchmer, Mary Ann (-)
Scott, (1842-)
Scott, (-)
Scott, Ada (1880-)
Scott, Charles (1875-)
Scott, Charles (1808-)
Scott, Charlotte (13 DEC 1871-)
Scott, Edith (-)
Scott, Fanny Elizabeth (23 OCT 1878-)
Scott, Hannah (1874-)
Scott, James (1841-)
Scott, Samuel (1877-)
Scott, Samuel (1843-)
Scott, Unknown (-)
Scott, Unknown (-)
Scott, William (19 SEP 1869-)
Seaman, Mary (-)
seamison, Elizabeth (1761-5 MAR 1837)
Selby, Joanna (-)
Selby, John B (-AUG 1980)
Selby, Michael Bruce (-)
Selby, William (1867-)
Selina, (1833-)
Sell, Susannah (22 JAN 1775-)
Sell, Thomas (-)
Sharp, William (-)
Sharpe, Mary (-)
Shaw, (-)
Shaw, Gillian (-)
Shaw, Hilary (-)
Sheila, (-)
Shelton, Dorothy Hilda (1930-)
Shelton, Samuel (-)
Sheppard, Francis (1678-)
Sherburn, Julia (-)
Shimmin, Alf (1887-)
Shimmin, George F. (JUL 1880-)
Shimmin, Sarah Hannah (8 DEC 1878-)
Shimmin, William (-)
Shimmin, William (1877-)
Shimmin, William (1853-)
Shipstone, Jane (-)
Shooter, Emma (-)
Shott, Constance Susan Troughton (20 NOV 1907-21 AUG 1987)
Shott, Emmanuel (-)
Shott, Emmanuel William Henry . (7 MAY 1877-18 MAY 1967)
Shott, Henry Charles Wayman (1 FEB 1915-18 AUG 1994)
Shott, Ivy Ada Bevan (2 OCT 1909-20 APR 1992)
Shott, Winifred Victoria Stanley (2 JUL 1911-1 DEC 1990)
Silver, Charlotte (1866-)
Silver, David (-)
Silver, Emily (1863-)
Silver, Fredrick (1868-)
Silver, Josiah (1827-)
Simms, Hannah (-)
Simpson, John (-)
Sims, Andrew (6 FEB 1965-)
Sims, Ann (1854-)
Sims, Ann Elizabeth (23 OCT 1951-15 JAN 1958)
Sims, Anna Maria (1879-)
Sims, Anne Elizabeth (-)
Sims, Arthur (1856-)
Sims, Brian (19 APR 1946-)
Sims, David (1866-)
Sims, David Eric (12 DEC 1950-)
Sims, Edith (-)
Sims, Edmund (1812-)
Sims, Edmund (1859-)
Sims, Edward (FEB 1871-)
Sims, Edward (3 FEB 1809-)
Sims, Emma (16 DEC 1980-)
Sims, Eric (1928-)
Sims, Evelyn (-)
Sims, Evelyn (1931-)
Sims, Fanny (1863-)
Sims, Florence (1868-)
Sims, George (1877-)
Sims, George (26 SEP 1802-)
Sims, George (1853-)
Sims, George (14 AUG 1916-)
Sims, George H (1860-)
Sims, Gertrude Ellen (28 SEP 1899-)
Sims, Henry (1839-)
Sims, Herbert (-)
Sims, Herbert (1850-)
Sims, James (15 JUL 1805-)
Sims, James (1847-)
Sims, Jennifer (25 JAN 1955-)
Sims, John (14 SEP 1873-)
Sims, John (5 NOV 1797-)
Sims, John Edward (14 AUG 1897-)
Sims, Joseph (16 FEB 1800-)
Sims, Julie (12 APR 1947-)
Sims, Kenneth Edmond (19 JUN 1953-)
Sims, Mabel (9 MAY 1895-)
Sims, Margaret (1938-)
Sims, Mary (4 JAN 1807-)
Sims, Mary Elizabeth (1875-)
Sims, Matthew (1860-)
Sims, Miriam (-)
Sims, Robert (26 JUL 1801-)
Sims, Robert (-)
Sims, Robert (29 JAN 1988-)
Sims, Robert (31 MAR 1940-)
Sims, Sarah (-)
Sims, Sarah (21 MAY 1804-)
Sims, Stephen (11 FEB 1959-)
Sims, Walter (14 AUG 1873-)
Sims, Walter (-)
Sims, William (1862-)
Sims, Winifred (-)
Singleton, Sonia (-)
Skeels, Alice (1 AUG 1882-)
Skeels, Arthur (-)
Skeels, Charles (-)
Skeels, Charlotte (30 AUG 1877-)
Skeels, Daniel (16 DEC 1875-)
Skeels, John (-)
Skeels, Stanley Riddin (1918-16 SEP 1943)
Skeels, Tom (30 AUG 1877-)
Skeels, William (1880-)
Skinner, Edith (30 APR 1848-)
Skinner, Samuel (-)
Slack, Edith (1852-)
Slack, Elizabeth (-)
Slack, John (-1894)
Slack, Samuel (-)
Slack, Sarah (1795-17 MAR 1867)
Slack, Sarah (-)
Slaney, Ann Sarah (1844-)
Slaney, Elizabeth (-)
Slaney, Lilian (1877-)
Sleigh, Samuel (1828-)
Smales, (-)
Smales, Ann (1869-)
Smales, George (1874-)
Smales, Isabella (1872-)
Smales, John (1878-)
Smales, Willie (1870-)
Smart, Charlotte Louise (16 JUN 1981-)
Smart, Claire Louise (15 JAN 1972-)
Smart, Elizabeth (1853-)
Smart, Henry (1818-)
Smart, Joseph (-)
Smart, Malcolm (15 OCT 1950-)
Smart, Mary A (1852-)
Smart, Victoria (9 JUN 1984-)
Smedley, Eileen Mary (1935-)
Smith, (-)
Smith, Ann (1841-6 FEB 1906)
Smith, Benjamin (-)
Smith, Benjamin (-)
Smith, Elizabeth (1803-10 NOV 1871)
Smith, George (-)
Smith, George (1867-)
Smith, James (-)
Smith, Joan (-)
Smith, John (-)
Smith, John (-)
Smith, Joseph (-)
Smith, Mary Anne (1843-26 MAR 1918)
Smith, Mary Francis (1937-)
Smith, Thomas (-)
Smith, Thomas (1858-)
Smith, William (-)
Snowden, Ann (-)
Snowden, Anne (27 MAY 1782-)
Snowden, Jane (1740-)
Snowden, John (21 JUL 1743-)
Snowden, Mary (31 MAY 1778-)
Sophia, (-)
Southem, Charles (-)
Southem, Emma (1848-)
Spavold, Emma (21 JUL 1858-)
Spavold, Harriet (1871-)
Spavold, John (1830-)
Spence, Lee (31 JAN 1976-)
Spencer, Alice (18 OCT 1750-)
Spencer, Ann (9 APR 1756-)
Spencer, Emma (26 APR 1851-30 JUN 1924)
Spencer, Frances (28 OCT 1753-)
Spencer, George (1869-)
Spencer, George (1853-)
Spencer, Henry (8 FEB 1847-)
Spencer, Jenny Sarah (1881-)
Spencer, John (19 SEP 1819-25 APR 1887)
Spencer, Margaret (29 MAY 1746-)
Spencer, Mary (2 OCT 1748-)
Spencer, Samuel (1872-)
Spencer, Sarah (2 NOV 1841-)
Spencer, Thomas (-)
Spray, Mary (-)
Squires, (-)
Squires, Jacob James (1995-)
Squires, Keeley Helen (15 APR 1980-)
Squires, Mathew Roy (13 MAY 1978-)
Squires, Roy (22 FEB 1953-)
Staite, Ann (-)
Staite, Elizabeth (-)
Stamford, Emma (8 MAR 1836-)
Stamford, John (-)
Stamford, Mary Ann (9 FEB 1834-)
Stammers, Alice Ellen (1863-1866)
Stammers, Anna Mary (1860-1913)
Stammers, Annette Helen (1867-1882)
Stammers, Arthur Jay (1779-1828)
Stammers, Elizabeth Ann (-1834)
Stammers, Ella Elizabeyh (1861-1862)
Stammers, John Jay (1825-1897)
Stammers, Minna Emma (1862-)
Stammers, Thomas Beresford (1823-1843)
Staniland, Anne (16 SEP 1775-)
Staniland, George (8 MAR 1782-)
Staniland, John (-)
Staniland, John (22 APR 1780-)
Staniland, Mary (29 JUN 1784-)
Staniland, Thomas (-)
Staniland, Thomas (7 JAN 1778-)
Stanley, Paul Albert (-)
Stanley, Thomas (-)
Stevenson, John (1835-)
Stevenson, John (26 OCT 1970-)
Stevenson, Paul (3 FEB 1969-)
Stevenson, Peter (24 OCT 1946-)
Stewart, Doris (-)
Stewart, John (1977-)
Stiles, Jane (-1741)
Stinton, Mary (-)
Stirland, Elizabeth (-)
Stockbridge, Ann (-)
Stocks, Thomas (-)
Stranks, Reginald Jpseph (22 JUL 1939-)
Stranks, Susan Elizabeth Julia (13 JAN 1974-)
Stranks, Wilfred (-)
Stratford, Albert (1834-)
Stratford, Edith (1885-)
Stratford, Francis (1868-)
Stratford, George (1874-)
Stratford, George (1838-)
Stratford, Hilda (1889-)
Stratford, Hubert (1882-)
Stratford, James P. (1876-)
Stratford, John (1824-)
Stratford, John (1878-)
Stratford, Mary (1821-)
Stratford, Mary Ann (1870-)
Stratford, Minnie (1891-)
Stratford, Miriam (1872-)
Stratford, Robert (1795-)
Stratford, Robert (1830-)
Stratford, Sarah A. (1879-)
Stratford, William (1865-)
Stratford, William (1887-)
Stratford, William (1822-)
Stringer, John (1799-)
Stringer, Sarah (1818-)
Susan, (-)
Susan, (-)
Susanna, (-)
Susannah, (1703-2 NOV 1749)
Susannah, (-)
Susannah, (-)
Sutherland, Alistair (-)
Swanton, Ellie (-)
Symmons, Elizabeth (30 JUL 1732-)
Symmons, Johannes (-)

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