Barry (Fly) Featherstone's family tree information.
Latest information.
01 May 2016
Added the Calow/Groves, and some other family connection to the tree,
plus the Calow brothers section below.
Also added some family grave/cemetery research I did.
Who am I ? I am Barry Ivan Featherstone.
Eldest son of Donald Ivan(Fly) Featherstone(2E1DAP) and Carol Jean Featherstone (nee Floyde).
The family are, or have been, around Derbyshire for years.
Mainly in the Chesterfield, Bolsover, Hillstown area.
After my father died, I became curious as to the rest of the family, ancestors and such.
The family tree. The tree contains information from both sides of my family and is constantly growing
as new family branches are found and added to it.
Click here to view the tree.

Another more FEATHERSTONE related tree is available at the bottom of the page.
Thomas Featherstone and family. Left to right. Joseph Betram, Norah, Thomas(GGrandad), Janet(GGrandma), Ivy. About 1901.
Click the picture to enlarge. (Opens in a new window)

Click to enlarge.
Family treasures. This was awarded to my great granfather Thomas Featherstone for the OBA ,1925.
'Old Bird Average', for best flyer with Palterton Homing Society pigeon club.
More info on this website.
It's made of rose gold. He wore this on his silver watch chain.
A proud man no doubt.

This silver medalion was awarded to Jack Peat.
He was married to my Grandad Donald Featherstone's sister Ivy(pictured above).
I don't know how it came into Grandad's possession?

Jack Peat was in the Bolsover Colliery Silver Band.
The bottom photo below is from the 1940's.
Left to right are :-
Billy Boden, Tojoe, Len Tauman, Harry Wright, Teddy Boden,
Bert Hughes, Arthur Sinfield, Mat Morris, Stan Jennings, Oliver Cook,
E Sainte, Jack Peat, Sid Rhodes, Ray Morris, Jim Doughty.

Thanks to the Facebook group Old Bolsover Pics for this info.
The other band photo's are courtesy of this very good website.

The Calow brothers. During WW2, a Canadian plane flying over the uk ran into trouble and 'crashed' in some fields near here.
My dad's mam's cousins, Albert Groves Calow, and George Rolston Calow, were two of the first helpers on the scene.
They were both awarded BEM's by the king for their bravery.
Read the full story here.

Today, a small memorial marks the spot where some of the crew lost their lives.

GGrandad Thomas Featherstone's grave. My dad had mentioned some years ago that his grandad was buried
in the Bolsover, Langwith Rd cemetery. After many hours of searching the internet to no avail,
I contacted the local funeral directors and asked if they could help.
It turns out there are no church records or plot details of burials at the St Mary and St Laurence parish church's graveyards. They were destroyed in the church fire of 1960.
The funeral directors do have details of burials they performed and the plot numbers.
Using the information they provided gave me some idea of where his grave should be.
Many thanks to Stubbins And Hope for their help.

Apparently he's in plot 2795(light blue below, approx), but it also says 'In 953' ?

953(dark blue below, approx), is his wife's grave.

Neither gravestone remain, so I guess this will stay a mystery.
GGrandma and GGrandad Cheesbrough. This memorial stone in Bolsover, Langwith Rd cemetery, marks their grave, marked in yellow above.
The Calow brothers, see story above, were her sister Clara's sons.

The Cheesbrough side of the family has been researched by my dad's cousin. Howard Cheesebrough.
His family research information can be found on his website: The-Cheesbrough-Family
Dolly Floyde's grave. This gravestone in the Bolsover, Langwith Rd cemetery, marked in red on the image above, is Dolly's.
She was my Grandad Floyde's sister. Sadly she passed away before he was born.

In Loving Memory Of
Dear Child Of Richard And Ellen
Floyde Died April 7 th 1920
Aged 4 Years 7 Months
Our Blind Affection Might Have Wished Thy Stay
Gods Wiser Love Has Called His Child Away

GGGrandparent Featherstone's grave. I located this in Shirland. Derbyshire.

Out of respect, I gave it a tidy.

The graveyard was later reorganised, by NEDCC.

I emailed North East Derbyshire District Council for an explanation.
Here is a copy of the email reply I received from them.
It sort of makes things Ok, I suppose.

Dear Mr Featherstone,

Following on from my email of 17th August I have looked into your enquiry. The churchyard area at St Leonards is owned by the church but the responsibility to maintain the grounds was transferred to the District Council in 2001. Therefore we have a duty of care towards visitors and our employees with regards health and safety. The District Council took over the area in a poor state and since then we have endeavoured to bring the area up to some kind of maintainable standard. The particular area where your relatives are buried was in an extremely poor state. The entire area was vastly overgrown and a large majority of the headstones and kerbsets had fallen into total disrepair. The problem was also worsened when a fire was started on the area causing further damage. We therefore sought permission from the Derby Diocese in the form of a faculty to bring the area up to a more reasonable standard. There were certain conditions we had to comply with. These included advertising for two consecutive weeks in a local newspaper, posting public notices in the church and making the schedule available at the Diocese offices, the church and all the District Councils offices. This was to allow people to put forward any queries or objections regarding the proposed work. The grave of Elizabeth and Edward Featherstone (G146) as you are obviously aware had a headstone with a kerbset around it. The kerbset had fallen into disrepair and had become a potential health and safety hazard. Therefore under the conditions of the faculty we had permission from the Derby Diocese to inter the kerbset within the grave space. I do appreciate that your circumstances meant you received no notice of the proposed work. However, in the absence of any records of relatives, next of kin, or ownership of exclusive rights of burial of any of the grave plots, the District Council has followed the procedure laid down by the Derby Dioceses and we were there within our rights to take these steps to make the area safer. I hope this goes some way to explaining our position on the matter and I sincerely apologise for any distress this may have caused you and your family as this was not our intention when carrying out the work.

Regards Alison Griffiths
Grounds Maintenance Technician
North East Derbyshire District Council

About my dad. My father was a great man.
He was loved by many people, not only family.
Life may end, but memories go on.

Why the Fly ? The midwife at his birth commented on his small weight and said "I've seen more weight on a fly."
The name stuck ;-)
My tattoo. The tattoo was designed from scratch by the tattooist, for me.
It's unique, a one off.

Bit like mi dad. 73's 2E1DAP ;-)
The bigger Featherstone tree. My original intention was to trace the FEATHERSTONE line back as far as I could.
During my research, I was given the email address of John and Margaret BLEBY.
They had done a lot of research into their BLEBY family tree.
It turned out they were related to a FEATHERSTONE.
This is a very large file, and not all entries are guaranteed to be related.
Most of this info came from the Nottinghamshire Records Office.
Parish Church Records were also included but sadly, some had been eaten by mice, so some related connections have been lost.
They can be emailed at 'j dot bleby at ntlworld dot com'
Please contact them about info in this tree.
Click here to view the tree.

Updates to my tree, top of page, are not added to this one !
Disclaimer. This website is all my own work. I try to keep it tidy and up to date.
Feedback is always appreciated.

Please contact me with any questions, suggestions, deletions, additions, complaints. 
The data on this website is copyright
Or the relevant people mentioned within it.
Contact me.